Simplify Your Health

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Simplify Your Health

Today’s society has developed an unhealthy obsession with health and fitness. We’re talking about a billion dollar per year industry with a never ending supply of fad diets, gadgets, exercise equipment and apps that promise to drastically improve your health and wellness. It seems like with every day that passes it is becoming increasingly complicated to improve your health.

The good news is that it’s not. If you follow these essentials tips your health will improve – without breaking the bank or leaving you confused.

Walk More

It’s that simple. Move your body way more than you currently are and your health will improve. Walking is a refreshing alternative to complicated aerobic routines and overpriced gym memberships –  it’s free, enjoyable and already a part of your everyday life.

The benefits of walking are endless – but let’s list a few: it helps prevent and reduce the severity of chronic disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and also improves mood and mobility. The best part about these benefits is that it doesn’t take much time from your day to achieve them. Thirty minutes a day is where we see great health benefits.

Eat Clean

This one truly is simple – Eat more fresh whole foods and less processed man made foods – that’s it.

To successfully implement this into your life remember we often eat what’s convenient, and if you buy it and keep it in the house, you’ll eat it – so don’t buy it in the first place. The following are some basic ground rules to follow when eating clean. Eat more organic and/or local fruits and vegetables, and remember the fresher the food, the more potent the nutrients. Drink more pure filtered water (Divide your weight by 2, aim to drink that number in ounces). Eat a handful of raw nuts/seeds everyday. When it comes to meat and dairy – choose products where animals live as close to their natural state as possible -free-range, cage-free, grass-fed, raw milk etc.). Lower your intake of inflammatory/mucus producing foods (dairy, sugar, wheat) and instead aim to eat more raw foods that contain powerful enzymes and phytonutrients (try juicing).

Make Sleep a Priority

Sleep is often the single most undervalued behavior in our lives—and yet it is the one with the most immediate power to improve our lives in every waking moment. Getting a good night of sleep is one of the cornerstones of health, your body needs this time to repair and heal. Six to eight hours per night seems to be the optimal amount of sleep for most adults, and too much or too little can have adverse effects on your health. Research shows that inadequate sleep can have disastrous effects on your weight loss efforts, impair your concentration, and weaken your immune system.

If you’re averaging less than six hours of sleep, aim to get just one more hour a night. It will leave you feeling more physically energized, emotionally resilient and mentally clear. If sleep is an issue it’s worth noting – if you’re walking more, eating cleaner, and getting adjusted – your sleep will most definitely improve.

Remove Interference

Chiropractic care can literally change your life, and enable you to live a pain-free life full of energy and vitality. That’s because chiropractic adjustments help reduce or eliminate pressure on your nerves—the same ones responsible for your everyday bodily functions. Chiropractic will help eliminate pain and inflammation, reduce fatigue, and restore normal balance and nerve flow to all your organs, giving you the energy, drive and peace of mind to go out there and live life the way it was meant to be lived.

Enjoy the journey and do these things for the right reasons – and you’ll improve your health, fitness and quality of life.

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