The True Health Manifesto

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The True Health Manifesto

Simply put, a manifesto is a statement of ideals and intentions. The Declaration of Independence is a manifesto. So is Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.” The idea behind me writing the True Health manifesto was to challenge assumptions people have about their health, foster commitment to improving their health, and (most importantly) to provoke change.

This is why the picture below hangs in my office, serving as a reminder as I meet and consult with new patients.

After all, we are designed to be extraordinary. Every cell in your body is hardwired to be healthy. Unfortunately, in America the expectation is that we are supposed to be sick, and that there is always a solution (usually found in a bottle).

I hope this manifesto serves as a reminder for the untapped potential for true health and vitality available for your body.

The goal in our office is to maintain the integrity of your spine and nervous system. Instead of focusing on the health lost, deterioration created, energy decrease, immune system suppression and all the negative effects of nerve interference and not fulfilling all your health requirements, we choose to focus on the untapped potential for true health and vitality available for your body.

Normal structural alignment coupled with a healthy lifestyle means that body is the best it can be to throw off potential illness. So, we incorporate practical help and education about “how we live, how we work, what we eat” and how we exercise. That’s prevention, pure and simple.

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