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Take Control of Your Health

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When it comes to health care, western medicine has always taught its patients that they are victims of their genes, hereditary issues, etc. They tell us that if our grandfather had heart disease and our father had heart disease/attacks, then our fate is sealed and we are set-up to be an unavoidable victim. We are told that disease is something you’re stricken with, not something you develop or create on your own or lifestyle induced. This victim mentality has allowed the pharmaceutical industry to flourish and prey upon the public’s misunderstanding regarding disease as well their ability to take control of their life and health.

The newest, cutting-edge science, research, and technology have proven that we can choose not to be victims. We don’t have to accept that our health destiny is set in stone and that the reason our cholesterol is 350, we’re 80 pounds overweight, or walk around with 300 blood sugar and are a type II diabetic is all due to bad genes. The new science says different.

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