Our Approach

Traditional Chiropractic

Traditional chiropractors focus on goals like reducing pain and alleviating symptoms –  and most of them are great at what they do. This falls under the umbrella category of symptom relief/symptom management.

Our Approach

At True Health Family Chiropractic, we are focused on delivering a full structural correction to the spine. We use digital structural analysis and neuromuscular scanning tools to assess the full nature of your problem. Reversing structural abnormalities using specific customized chiropractic care gets to the underlying cause of many conditions.

Because reducing symptoms without addressing the underlying cause can be a recipe for those complaints to return later – often times worse. Our office focuses on correcting, stabilizing, and maintaining the normal function of the spine and nervous system with customized recommendations to improve overall well-being long-term. When this happens, it is only a matter of time before your body begins healing properly and true health and vitality can be achieved.

Dr. Braglia has additional training and certification in the chiropractic care of pregnant women and children of all ages. That’s why we are the preferred chiropractors for many pediatricians, naturopaths, obstetricians, midwives, doulas, and providers throughout Fairfield and New Haven County. We utilize gentle, safe, and effective techniques ideally suited for expectant moms and young children.

Of course our services are not for everyone. For that reason we offer a complimentary consultation. You’ll get to meet with Dr. Braglia, discuss your goals, review all aspects of care (including finances), and decide if True Health is the right fit for you and your family.


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