Massage Therapy

A relaxation massage? Time to heal an old injury? Tight muscles starting to impact your daily function?

We’ve got a team for you. At True Health Chiropractic, our goal is to help you heal in all aspects of your health. We offer massage therapy to help reduce stress while also working on those trouble spots that are causing you pain and limiting your ability to do the things you want to do each day.

Our massage therapist Jillian is trained in multiple techniques and works hand-in-hand with Dr. Braglia to ensure the highest quality of service to our patients. You can see our massage therapist only, or you can choose to combine your massage therapy with chiropractic for the optimum results.

Massage therapy can help with old injuries, sports injuries, stress, it’s even great for children and is wonderful for pre and post-natal care. In addition, we offer specific tables to allow you to lay face down for pre-natal massage.

We want to help you reach your goals! Click here to schedule your appointment.