Tag Archives: Acid Reflux

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Are We Medicalizing Normality?

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In a commentary published in the October 20, 2011 issue of The Journal of Pediatrics, Dr. Eric Hassall cautions that medicine has turned normal function in infants into a disease complete with drug therapy and the resulting list of adverse events.

The problem lies in the fact that many doctors are viewing frequent spitting up, irritability and unexplained crying in infants under the age of one as a medical condition because the symptoms are distressing to parents. This has resulted in an increase in written prescriptions for acid-suppression medication over the last decade.

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Which Sleep Position is Best?

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As a Chiropractor, one of the questions we often ask is: What position do you sleep in? The reason is, your preferred sleep position could be giving you back and neck pain, stomach troubles, or even be aging you prematurely. CNN Health has listed both the best positions for your body, and the ones to avoid.

The Best: Back position

Sleeping on your back makes it easy for your head, neck, and spine to maintain a neutral position. Plus, you’re not putting pressure on the spine by forcing curves into it. In addition, it prevents neck and back pain, reduces acid reflux, and minimizes wrinkles. However, it is a bad position in terms of snoring. Only use one pillow if you sleep on your back, your head should not be pushed forward.

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