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Hardwired to Heal

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Every cell in your body is hardwired to be healthy.

The human body has self regulating and self healing mechanisms. In fact, it is always working to maintain a state of balanced function. For example, blood pressure, blood sugar and the heart rate are actively kept within a normal range. To put it another way, you are designed to function, heal and re-create from the inside out.

Unfortunately, in America the expectation is that we are supposed to be sick, and that there is always a solution (usually found in a bottle). To top it off – our lifestyle choices are pointing us directly to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune, inflammatory and neurological diseases.

The truth is – you’re simply the culmination of your body’s inability to adapt to the stressors placed upon it on a regular basis. When you come to this realization, it leaves you with 2 choices: remove the stress OR increase your body’s ability to adapt to it.

So, how do we improve our body’s ability to adapt? Well, stressors (aka your life) cause spinal shifts within the inner framework of your body. Which means one way in which we can help is when our body’s self-healing forces become impaired or impeded by this structural imbalance. This leads to an impaired nervous system – which can reduce immune function, concentration, recovery from illness and injury; it could lessen athletic performance and digestive function. It could even alter behavior.

When we look at the nervous system, any structural imbalance that occurs becomes part of your pattern as you get older. This cartilage system, this spine, if it’s shifted, altered or distorted, it’s automatically creating an inhibition or interference in the neurological system. That pattern becomes yours as you get older, and it’s much more difficult to correct or to set right. The goal in our office is to maintain the integrity of your spine and nervous system (the earlier you start – the better). By applying precise and accurate adjustments to your spine – we help your body get back to normal structure, where it heals best.

Instead of focusing on the health lost, deterioration created, energy decrease, immune system suppression and all the negative effects of nerve interference and not fulfilling all your requirements, at True Health Family Chiropractic, we choose to focus on the untapped potential for health and vitality available for your body.

While important, no matter what other steps you add – diet, exercise, meditation – without a proper nerve supply, you can never be at your full potential. If you want to be healthy, you have to have a healthy nervous system.

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