5 Foods To Help Reduce Stress

How many times have we heard that “food is medicine”? Well, there’s a reason we keep hearing it: it’s true. Eating healthy can actually offer some real stress relief. Here are 5 foods to help you beat stress naturally:

Dark leafy greens: These are rich in folate which helps your body produce seratonin and dopamine – regulating your mood.

Avocado: These contain 20 essential health-boosting nutrients – including potassium, Vitamin E, and folate. Avocados help keep you satiated and help regulate blood sugar levels – which can help keep your mood steady in times of stress.

Chocolate: When you’re in a stressed state your body can be depleted in magnesium. The secret is to find a good quality dark chocolate to snack on.

Walnuts: These contain a plant form of Omega- 3 fatty acid that the body converts into DHA to lower norepinephrine – a hormone which can make you feel anxious and irritable.

Almonds: These offer a combo of healthy fats, B vitamins, Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium and protein which work together to help maintain brain function and regulate mood.

(From @foodmatters)

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