Chiropractic 101 (aka The Safety Pin Cycle)

From a very simple perspective, this is how the brain controls the body.

Your brain generates nerve impulses to control and regulate your entire body, from your nose to your toes. Nerve impulses are sent down the spinal cord and out to every organ and tissue of your body. So that your brain knows everything is working as designed, impulses are sent back up to the brain. That’s the definition of True Health.

Many things can disrupt nerve impulses either to or from your brain. The moving bones of the spine are common culprits. When this happens, affected organs and tissues will not work right and symptoms can result. Chiropractors locate and reduce these nervous system disturbances with safe and natural chiropractic adjustments. With restored nervous system integrity, health can return. Without drugs or surgery.

Simple as that.

How to Be More Productive at Everything

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We are not computers. We are not meant to sit for 8+ hours every day. We are not meant to work continuously for long hours. We are not meant to stay connected 24/7.

The human body is hard-wired to pulse. To operate at our best, we need to renew our energy throughout the day – not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. When we build this rhythm into our lives, it changes everything. Unfortunately, rest is something we rarely get a chance to do in today’s increasingly hectic working world.

However, by making the following changes in your life, you’ll see your productivity and performance (as well as happiness) soar: Continue reading “How to Be More Productive at Everything”

Is Your Spine in Line?

Is Your Spine In Line?
15 Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Spine:

  1. Your Heels Wear Out Unevenly. This can be due to uneven leg length or stress along the length of the spine.
  2. You Can’t Take a Satisfying Deep Breath. Subluxations in the upper back and ribs can cause restricted breathing and/or expansion of the chest.
  3. Your Jaw “Clicks”. This can be caused by neck misalignment and severe tension in the upper neck.
  4. You Have to “Crack” Your Neck, Back, or Other Joints Often. This is your body telling you that something is out of alignment. It can be caused by areas of your spine that are locked or jammed.
  5. You Can’t Twist or Turn Your Head or Hips to Either Side Easily and Equally. Reduced range of motion comes from misaligned vertebrae.
  6. You Are Often Tired. An unbalanced spine drains your energy.
  7. You Have Poor Concentration. Misalignments in your spine affect the Brain-Body connection.
  8. You Have Low Resistance to Disease. Chiropractic adjustments to reduce nerve pressure have been shown to help increase white blood cells throughout the body. Studies show that every time you get adjusted, your Interleukin-2 (IL-2) levels go up immediately. IL-2 is what your body uses to kill viral and bacterial assaults. Continue reading “Is Your Spine in Line?”

Consumer Reports: Chiropractic Tops Among Alternative Therapies

A new Consumer Reports survey of more than 45,000 people finds that three out of four Americans are turning to alternative therapies to improve their health. The survey, in their upcoming September issue says readers are increasingly turning to chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, yoga and other alternative therapies for discomfort from conditions such as back pain, neck pain and osteoarthritis.

What’s even more interesting is that the survey also shows alternative therapies are being used successfully to help with a range of conditions including anxiety, allergies, headache and migraines, depression, and insomnia. In addition, the report indicates that medical doctors are more open to alternative therapies than most people assume.

Some responses from the survey: Continue reading “Consumer Reports: Chiropractic Tops Among Alternative Therapies”

Which Sleep Position is Best?

As a Chiropractor, one of the questions we often ask is: What position do you sleep in? The reason is, your preferred sleep position could be giving you back and neck pain, stomach troubles, or even be aging you prematurely. CNN Health has listed both the best positions for your body, and the ones to avoid.

The Best: Back position

Sleeping on your back makes it easy for your head, neck, and spine to maintain a neutral position. Plus, you’re not putting pressure on the spine by forcing curves into it. In addition, it prevents neck and back pain, reduces acid reflux, and minimizes wrinkles. However, it is a bad position in terms of snoring. Only use one pillow if you sleep on your back, your head should not be pushed forward. Continue reading “Which Sleep Position is Best?”