Chiropractic and Digestion

chiropractic and digestion

The symptoms of abnormal digestion are becoming increasingly more prevalent in our society. Americans spent $13 billion on acid stopping medications in 2006. Nexium, the most popular, brought in $5.1 billion alone – making it the second highest selling drug behind Lipitor. More than 60 million prescriptions for GERD were filled in 2004. Fortunately, there is a growing body of research that shows a connection to your spine and nervous system.

The nervous system controls digestive function from several different regions. The vagus nerve which courses out of the brain stem and runs near the atlas bone innervates all the major organs of digestion and functions to stimulate the digestive process. Other major areas controlling the pace of digestion include the sympathetic nerves coming out of the thoracic & lumbar regions and the sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers. Spinal misalignment in any of these regions can lead to neurological compromise and altered digestive function.

Chiropractors search for the location of such spinal misalignments termed subluxations. A specific chiropractic adjustment realigns the altered regions and restores nerve supply. It is important to not that chiropractic care is NOT a treatment for digestive issues – however – restoring nerve supply to areas that control digestion can have a dramatic effect on a person’s digestive troubles. Continue reading “Chiropractic and Digestion”

Why Humans Are Like Light Bulbs


According to physicist Peter Hoffman, “Humans talk, write, walk and love using the same amount of energy per second as a light bulb.” Hoffman goes on to explain that to power a human being it takes about 120 watts a day.

Now, think of your Nervous System as electrical wires and your body a 120 watt light bulb connected to it. When the wires are clear and electricity flows freely, your bulb glows to 120 watts. For us this means that your brain can coordinate with your body via your nervous system, both organ and cell function. It is scientific fact that this communication in your body is the basis of your health and vitality. But if power is restricted in the wires, your bulb dims – nerve messages become impaired – which lessens overall function and general health.

In fact, if you break down the word subluxation (a misalignment of the spine) this becomes clearer. SUB meaning ‘less’, LUX, which is ‘a measurement of light’, and ATION, which is a ‘state of’. Subluxation is therefore a state of less light. That’s pretty simple isn’t it? Subluxation interferes with the energy, the lifeline, in the body.

The more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy is available for thinking, metabolism and healing. As Chiropractors, we adjust the spine to remove nerve interference – so you can shine bright. So don’t wait until your light’s completely out, get adjusted now for optimal health!

Chiropractic & Running

chiropractic and running

Chiropractic adjustments help ensure that the body functions as efficiently as possible, which can maximize not only performance but healing and recovery from all types of injuries.

When the spine is in its optimal structural position, the nerves are protected and optimal communication exists between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. The vertebra of the spine are susceptible to certain stresses and forces, which can cause them to lose their proper position.

These minor misalignments of the spine cause nerve interference and weaken the entire structure of the spine. Athletic training can often jar and misalign the spinal column, because the spine is at the center of the body. Impact to the legs, feet, head, shoulders and torso often radiates to the spine. Because of its ability to maintain optimum health and structural balance, chiropractic care has helped many athletes to achieve their goals. 

Runners stand to benefit the most from chiropractic because of the grueling nature of the sport and it’s potentially detrimental affects on the joints of the foot, knees, and hips. Running is a repetitive motion sport that requires your body to undergo wear and tear at a much higher rate than non-weight bearing sports or everyday activities. With each driving stride, a vibration with a force of three times the athletes’ body weight will shock the runner.  Continue reading “Chiropractic & Running”

5 Tips For a Better Sleep Tonight


If you are having trouble sleeping at night, you are not alone. More than one-quarter of the U.S. population report they occasionally do not get enough sleep, while nearly 10% admit to experiencing chronic insomnia.

Getting a good night of sleep is one of the cornerstones of health, your body needs this time to repair and heal. Six to eight hours per night seems to be the optimal amount of sleep for most adults, and too much or too little can have adverse effects on your health. Research shows that inadequate sleep can have disastrous effects on your weight loss efforts, impair your concentration, and weaken your immune system.

There is good news though, because starting tonight, you can improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Here are 5 ways to get back on track: Continue reading “5 Tips For a Better Sleep Tonight”

Weekly Health Roundup

healthWelcome to True Health Family Chiropractic’s Weekly Health Roundup, where we’ll take a look at what’s making news in the world of health.

Research of the Week

A new study finds that over-diagnosis of reflux in infants leads to needless medication, which is generally ineffective and could have long term implications. As I’ve written about before, research shows that parents of infants using chiropractic care for colic reported fewer hours of crying per day and difference was statistically significant. We also know that the addition of probiotics has been shown to help with symptoms of colic.

Interesting Articles

I talk a lot about taking control of your health. The reason being is that today we have infinite possibilities, and and our health can suffer as well as benefit a great deal for it. For example, we have the option of sitting on the couch all weekend watching a netflix marathon, or we can be outside. Here’s a great article that offers 8 tips on how to take control of your health. The article focuses on a excellent concept; health integrity -an honesty to one’s self, a commitment that begins and ends with one’s self, an inner compass that has nothing to do with the outside world.

Food for Thought

Eating fruits and vegetables in season makes sense – they are at their peak freshness and have to travel the least distance to your plate (and they taste better). But how do you know what is in season when? The solution is a food calendar, and Eat Seasonably has created a great interactive one -the pinwheel shows what’s in season by month; the outermost ring shows what’s particularly delicious at that time:

Blog Posts Worth Reading

Blenders and juicers are great tools to help any kid eat more nutrient dense foods. However, lots of parents are unsure as to which is better. This is a great blog post on blenders versus juicers, and which will work best in your house for your kids.

Time Capsule

A year ago on the True Health blog we looked at a natural approach to ear infections. This is one of the most common reasons I see children in my practice –  there is a strong correlation between chiropractic adjustments and the resolution of ear infections. Research has shown that close to 80% of children treated with a series of chiropractic adjustments did not experience another ear infection within the six-month period following their initial visits.