Tag Archives: Falls

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Sharpen Your Child’s Mind

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It’s October – which means Back to School time is in full swing, so what better time to talk about children, learning, and behavior. If your child is having difficulty concentrating at school, often seems lethargic, or is constantly frustrated with trying to learn, the following tips can help you address the cause and offer natural solutions.

Food for the Brain

When it comes to food preferences and snack time, many parents will give in to a whining, screaming, or bargaining child. Now, of course this is acceptable in moderation (and sometimes a necessity for one’s sanity), it’s when this becomes the norm and sugary processed foods take the lead over natural foods we begin to see a problem.

The brain is a very demanding organ, requiring a lot of energy to function well. Food choices have a great deal to do with alertness, mental agility, and ability to focus. Food allergies or intolerances can cause symptoms such as attention and learning difficulties.

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Stay Fit with Chiropractic

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As we age, our bodies can become more susceptible to injuries, especially if we become more sedentary and less active – but does this not have to be the case.  From a recent article on That’s Fit:

Weakness is the number one factor for putting you at injury risk. “The older we get, the less elastin — a protein that keeps our tendons and ligaments flexible — we make . As a result, these connective tissues become more stiff, placing added responsibility on our muscles to bear the burden of movement and impact when we run, swing a golf club or take a Zumba class. If your muscles aren’t strong enough, you’ll get injured,” explained Henry Lodge, M.D., and coauthor of Younger Next Year.

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