Tag Archives: Allergies

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Why Are We So Allergic Now? (And What to Do About It)

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Why Are We So Allergic?

Spring is finally here, and for most of us, that’s a big relief. For many others, however, this means the return of sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itching – better known as spring allergies. Research shows that more kids than ever before have allergies, and it seems every year we’re told it will be the “worst spring ever” for allergies. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), 23.6 million Americans were diagnosed with hay fever in the last year. The prevalence of allergies is surging upward, with as many as 30 percent of adults and up to 40 percent of children having at least one allergy.

Why are more kids than ever before allergic and/or have asthma? The difference is not the pollen, the difference is how our bodies react to the pollen. An allergic response happens when the body’s immune system overreacts to allergens such as dust and pollen. The response is that the body overproduces neutralizing chemicals such as histamines to correct the problem. Why is this happening more and more with each passing spring?

Let’s look at some growing trends in our society to figure out why childhood allergies have become so severe and so prevalent.

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Top 10 Posts in 2013

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lookingback 2013

This website continues to grow well beyond my expectations. The best part is, the growth has occurred entirely from the support of readers like you. A special thanks to each of you for sharing this website and the articles on it. But even more than that, thank you for sharing the life-changing message of natural health and chiropractic care.

Here’s a trip down memory lane of True Health’s top 10 blog posts viewed this year, judged by page views:

1. Is Your Spine In Line?  Ever wonder how to tell if your spine is out of alignment. This post offers a look at 15 warning signs of an unhealthy spine.

2. Breastfeeding Is ‘Health, Not Lifestyle’ Choice  This post includes a graphic that lists the benefits of breastfeeding as well as the role chiropractic care plays in optimal breastfeeding.

3. Sharpen Your Child’s Mind  If your child is having difficulty concentrating at school, often seems lethargic, or is constantly frustrated with trying to learn, the following tips can help you address the cause and offer natural solutions.

4. The TrueHealth Grocery List  This is a list of nutrient dense, fresh, whole (or in some cases minimally processed) foods which promote optimal health. The post includes a printable PDF version to bring with you on your next grocery trip.

5. Alkaline vs. Acidic  Our body has a desired state of slightly alkaline, but most Americans eat a diet full of acid forming foods. Here is a basic list of alkaline and acidic foods as well as a detailed chart.

6. The Core Four  This is an explanation of the four supplements that everyone (men, women, and children) should be taking. These are supplements that will actually improve your health and well-being if taken on a regular basis.

7. I Don’t Believe in Chiropractic  There are many people out there that question the notion that chiropractic is a viable health care tool. This post takes a closer look at what chiropractic is.

8. Are Baby Carriers Good For the Spine?  Many new parents are unsure as to how to carry their newborn, especially when it comes to how it may affect their developing spines. This post explores the best way to carry based on anatomy and neurology of the infant.

9. Lower Blood Pressure Naturally  A chiropractic adjustment of C1 can significantly lower high blood pressure (This adjustment has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination).

10. How to Beat Seasonal Allergies Naturally  Seasonal allergies are far from normal, and the fact that they are so common means that many do not have an optimally functioning body. Here are some tips for beating allergies this and every spring without relying on pill popping

Whether you’ve been reading True Health for one week, one month, or since we started two years ago – thank you. This blog owes its success to the support of its readers.

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Why Do I Need Maintenance Chiropractic Care?

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maintenance chiropractic care

Every day more and more people are reevaluating their options when it comes to health care. They are realizing that wellness comes from within and that the best way to avoid illness and discomfort is to be “health conscious” in their daily lifestyles. In order to accomplish this we must first understand what it is we need to do to get and stay well.

The simple answer is that we need to adopt lifestyle behaviors that promote health – as opposed to those that lead to sickness. Because the truth is there is no drug that can fix our poor diet or remove the toxins from the processed food we eat. There is no drug that can undo our sedentary living or poor fitness – the answer is in our lifestyle choices. One major lifestyle choice we can adopt is to receive regular chiropractic adjustments, often called maintenance or wellness chiropractic care.

Understanding the reason for maintenance chiropractic care mandates an understanding of two major well documented concepts: 1) immobilization degeneration; and 2) the neurology of pain processing. A primary component of a subluxation (misalignment in the spine) is loss of normal motion in that area; and there is an immense body of research to support the ensuing degenerative process that will occur with this loss of motion and the logical conclusion of restoring movement to the spine.

You see, chiropractic is important for our health in many of the same ways that exercise is so crucial for our overall health and well-being. It’s all about movement. Movement feeds the brain, when we become misaligned we lose the normal motion of that spinal segment – which leads to degenerated joints and  decreases these movement- rich nutrients to the brain (proprioceptive signals).

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Germs + Chiropractic = Healthier Childhood

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There’s a growing body of research showing that children exposed to lots of germs early in life are less likely to develop allergies, asthma or autoimmune disorders as they grow up.

A recent study done in the Journal Science shows that exposure to microbes during early childhood is associated with protection from immune-mediated diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and asthma. The reason being that when these microbes enter the gut they keep a rare part of the immune system reined in. When there are NO microbes present, the immune cells run rampant in the lungs and intestines, increasing the risk of asthma and colitis. Add in the microbes, and cells in question, invariant natural killer T cells, retreat.

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Study: Antibiotics Will Not Help Your Sinuses

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Sinus infections are the fifth most common reason antibiotics are prescribed for adults. Unfortunately, they are of no help for most sinus infections – this according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Not only are we facilitating the growth of drug resistant bacteria by over prescribing these antibiotics – the research shows it doesn’t even provide symptom relief. Even more disturbing, the numbers show that fewer than two percent of sinus infections are bacterial. Which means the overwhelming majority of sinus infections are viral – of which antibiotics are no help.

The study used a total of 166 adults diagnosed with acute rhinosinusitis, who were randomized to either amoxicillin or placebo treatment group. Among patients with acute rhinosinusitis, a 10-day course of amoxicillin compared with placebo did not reduce symptoms at day 3 or day 10 of treatment.

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