Tag Archives: Vitamin D

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Back to School Health Essentials

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With children across America gearing up to begin the school year, what better time to explore some ideas to help ensure your child starts the school year healthy and happy. The following are 3 Ways to Start the School Year Healthy:

1. Backpack Safety 101

When people think Chiropractic and back to school, the first thing that usually comes up is backpacks. Here’s what you need to know – most backpack problems occur from excessive weight, inappropriate fit, and incorrect wearing of the pack. Your child should carry no more than 10-15% of their body weight in their school bags. When a heavy weight (such as a book-stuffed backpack) is incorrectly placed on the shoulders, the weight’s force can pull a child backwards. To compensate a child may bend forward at the hips or arch the back which can cause the spine to compress unnaturally.

If your child uses the traditional backpack – urge them to wear both straps (Here’s what to look for when picking a backpack: two wide, padded shoulder straps / padded back / waist belt / multiple compartments). Although it’s worth noting that messenger bags or purses – despite potential problems – are usually the better choice for children. When used correctly, the strongest muscles in the body, the back and abdominal muscles, support the weight of the packs. If not too heavy and if they are used correctly the weight is then evenly distributed across the body.

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The Truth About Sunscreen

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While we know that sunscreens prevent sunburns, beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about their safety and efficacy. The letters SPF mean “sun protection factor” and refer only to protection against UVB radiation, which burns the skin. It has nothing to do with UVA radiation that penetrates deep into the skin, accelerates skin aging and may cause skin cancer. 

It’s also important to note that no SPF (not even 100 SPF) offers 100 percent protection. The difference in UVB protection between an SPF 100 and SPF 50 is marginal (SPF 100 blocks 99 percent of UVB rays, while SPF 50 blocks 98 percent). A sunscreen’s SPF number is calculated by comparing the time needed for a person to burn unprotected with how long it takes for that person to burn wearing sunscreen. So a person who turns red after 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure is theoretically protected 15 times longer if they adequately apply SPF 15. 

So, what’s the problem with sunscreen? As a society we have been taught to avoid the sun -which helps our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D- and instead put chemical laden lotions on in hopes of reducing one type of cancer (skin) that is not commonly fatal. As a result, Americans are now vitamin D deficient which can lead to a multitude of health problems.

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Conquering Osteoporosis Naturally

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The medical literature defines osteoporosis as a disease characterized by abnormalities in the amount and architectural arrangement of bone tissue that leads to impaired skeletal strength and an undue susceptibility to fractures. Wow. Let’s try that again in plain English: Osteoporosis means “porous bone.”

If you look at healthy bone under a microscope, you will see that it kind of looks like a honeycomb. If you have osteoporosis, the holes and spaces in the honeycomb are much bigger than they are in healthy bone. This means your bones have lost density or mass, which in turn means they have become weaker. Osteoporosis complications (fractures) affect 1.8 million people each year and account for roughly 40 million dollars in health care costs each day.

Shocking Fact II:  Osteoporosis is under your control– it is a LIFESTYLE DISEASE. Sure, there may be a familial tendency, but that just means that if you live your life the same way as your family before you has, you will probably get the same diseases. People often fail to realize the degree of control you have over your health. If you have a genetic disposition to any type of life-threatening condition, fearlessly take the proactive steps to reduce the chance that it will affect your life and live your life to the fullest. With that in mind, here are the 4 steps to defy your heredity and ensure you have strong healthy bones throughout your life:

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How to Manage Asthma Naturally

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Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways in your lungs, tiny pockets called alveoli where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged as you breathe. An asthma attack occurs when the the lung tissue is inflamed to such a point that enough oxygen can’t enter the blood stream and carbon dioxide can’t be expelled.

Deepak Chopra’s take on asthma and allergies is dead on, he explains:

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Boost Your Immune System

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The following are specific recommendations and methodologies, backed by a substantial amount of science and physiology, on ways to avoid getting ill and what to do if you get sick or your body is fighting something.  Remember, your body is an incredible complex of systems, and your behaviors and choices will determine the health and vitality of those systems, especially the immune system.  So if you are sick, you must ask yourself: “What type of body have I been building?”








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